Saturday, November 30, 2013

Capitalism vs. Primitivism (ft. Stefan Molyneux)

Stefan decided that he had something better to do than debate me (no explanation given), so I made this:

Capitalism vs. Primitivism

If you find this useful, please let me know and share.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's Officially Okay To Dominate People

To many Americans, the Constitution represents freedom--the pinnacle of thought concerning government.

Brushing aside that it's grown to the largest, most destructive government in history, please consider the following:

1) The Constitution is a warning label. Its entire purpose is to restrain the ruling class. The fact that it exists is caution that people will rule over others and try to abuse that power.
2) It's written on parchment, which is generally animal skin. Never human skin of course. Coincidentally, nothing in the document protects the forests, rivers, animals, oceans, etc. It's a bunch of instructions on how to rule the weak.

I laugh at those who have this notion that somehow, if we just get back to the Constitution, everything will be okay. But... Wasn't it written by a bunch of white, rich slave owners? How could that possibly be egalitarian? Giving permission for one group to rule and dominate another was/is a disaster and was doomed to fail before the ink dried.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cut Down Your House

Imagine this: you're a lizard. You've lived in the same tree for your entire life. You've never touched the ground.The forest is so thick you've never seen the ground.

All of a sudden, some sweaty asshole with a chainsaw rumbles in. He starts up his death machine and begins hacking relentlessly into your home. You feel the shaking and swaying (especially if it's windy) of your tree--your livelihood. The tree begins to crack, bend, and lean. Suddenly, you're flying through the air as the only surface you've ever known violently falls.

You wake up, groggy, just long enough to see your home being taken away after most of its branches are set on fire. Your spine is broken... too weak to move...

This is called "progress". After all, it's "just" a tree, right? It's better off turned into pulp to make one dollar bills to shove in stripper g-strings.

13 Tree-Dwelling Animals

It's Hard To Feel Sorry For Them

A thought: how brainwashed do humans have to be to create water filters?

That product has always amazed me. It serves two ridiculous purposes:

1) It filters polluted water. Yes; instead of not polluting the water, spend precious natural resources creating a throwaway product to clean the sludge.
2) It profits from death. If the rivers weren't polluted--in other words, if the humans weren't killing off marine life--this product would not exist. By all accounts, humans would most likely fight environmentalism that cleans up rivers to keep making water filters and the rest of the enormous "green" industry.

There are so many products like this. Solar panels? Here's what it takes to make a solar panel:

Solar Panel Video

This video doesn't touch on the highly intensive processes to harvest natural resources, including the destruction mining, say, just the copper. The idea that this invention will be "the future" is ludicrous--well, except maybe for the very rich. The materials simply don't exist for it to be widespread.

I'm surprised humans didn't create bandages after cutting themselves on purpose. This culture is blind to something so incredibly obvious that I thought of it when I was a child.